And I love shopping second hand. L-O-V-E. I can dig those piles of clothes in the mercadillos for hours because there's nothing better then knowing no one else will wear the same as you. And it's cheap. And you don't contribute (as much) to mass production. You are not a slave under big corporate fashion companies.
(and I swear, show me one garment in Z and I will find the same for a quarter of the price in any second hand store)
See, fashion is reproductive, trends come and go and there for clothes can be RE-USED. RECYCLED. RE-whatever you want.
People sometimes ask me where I buy all my goods so I thought it would be nice to share my best spots and bargains I make each week. You want those pieces from the runway? Go to your local second hand store and look for something alike! Adjustments can always be made in order to look FAB.
I will give you my best tips and tricks to get high fashion to cheap prices without wearing the same gear as your friends (or lovers).
STAY TUNED pusswas!